7 Ways Your Dog Shows You Love

Today we take a look at the 7 ways your dog loves you in your daily life.

  • Ask for the Host Immediately after Dinner

If your dog is the first to move towards you after a meal, wagging his tail, moving around or looking at you affectionately, it is telling you that he loves you. Because eating is a very important thing for a dog, it shows that he really cares about you.


  • Mimic your Yawn

Have you ever noticed that when you yawn, the dog next to you will also yawn. One experiment found that dogs were more likely to yawn with their owners than when a stranger yawned at them. Just as yawning can spread between two people, it is said that people who are closer to each other are more likely to yawn on each other, and the same goes for owners and dogs, who yawn together as a sign of trust.


  • Like to Sleep on You

Every time he sees you sitting down on the sofa, he will run over and lie down in your arms to sleep. It is easy for him to fall asleep when he is relaxed, or put his chin on your lap and try to get you to touch his head. Falling asleep quickly on its owner indicates that the dog is at peace and enjoying himself, which is only possible when he is around someone he likes.


  • Super Welcome Home

Every time home pushed open the door, you can see a dog tail swinging hard to you, lick your face and hand, even if you just go out to buy a dish of time, the dog is still like a few days not see you a warm welcome, jumped in your side, I think this is one of the dog dog happy moments, is also a dog every day the most looking forward to!


  • Silently Accompany You when You Sad

When you are sick or depressed, your dog will be aware of your mood changes, even if it is very active and naughty daily, will become particularly clever, quiet beside you, even to your mood empathy, also began to sad, and not from time to time to send out sad moan and sigh.


  • Love to Lick Your Face

Dogs don’t know they have bacteria in their saliva, only that it shows love. Because when they are young, their mother cleans them by licking their mouth and face, and this is their first memory of caress and safety.

So your dog shows his love by licking your face, hands, and even feet, but also because he’s hungry and reminds you that it’s time to feed you.


  • Give You Its Favorite Toy

In addition to wanting to play with you, if a dog brings his favorite toy to you, on the one hand, he wants to play with you, but also represents that he wants to share his happiness with you. He thinks you will like what he likes, which is also an expression of love.


According to research, dogs are born with a sense of whether you love them or not, and spend a little more time with them each day and they’ll be happier!


Post time: Nov-25-2021