How to properly care for a pregnant cat?


You must be happy and excited when your cat suddenly has a baby. So how do you take care of your cat when she has a baby? Today, how to properly care for a pregnant cat.

First of all,  we need to make sure is that the cat is actually pregnant, and sometimes cats have false pregnancies. After confirming that a cat is really pregnant, there is a tendency for cats to exercise less during the early stages of pregnancy, during which they do not need to prepare too much nutrition. Too much nutrition may make the female cat obese, and the baby cat may develop too fast. If the size of the fetus is too large, it will bring a certain danger to the female cat during the birth.


The cat’s pregnancy period is about 65 days, a few days earlier or a few days later the situation also exists, if more than 70 days does not give birth to the hospital in time. A successfully conceived female cat does not show significant changes in her body or behavior for the first three to four weeks. It takes four weeks for the baby bump to show. At this time need shovel excrement officer caress carefully.

So how to care for a pregnant cat?

1 Strengthen the diet nutrition

Pregnant cats will need more protein and calories. Make fresh, protein-rich foods such as chicken, duck or fish with goat’s milk or fish soup. If you don’t have the time, choose a nutritious pregnant cat food. The feeding of the cat should also increase with the growth of the cat during pregnancy, so as to avoid the phenomenon of insufficient food. Therefore, when the cat is pregnant, the number and quantity of feeding and nutrition of the cat must be very careful.


2 Prepare the environment for childbirth

The most basic is a cardboard box with a favorite blanket on the bottom. Or buy a birthing room at a pet store or online to familiarize your cat with the birthing environment and encourage her to rest and sleep in a new place. Make sure it’s in a quiet and private area, or your cat may refuse to go to your delivery room and find another part of the house.


3 The signs before production

Cats will lose their appetite for food and cat food and snacks 1 to 2 days before birth. There is also the performance of restlessness, may tear up some of the things placed in its production box, even vomiting phenomenon. This is normal, don’t rush, put the cat in the delivery box, take good care of the cat, avoid the cat on the bed, wardrobe or other places to give birth.


4 Cat delivery

Cats become hyperventilating during labor, and usually give birth to their first kitten in 30-60 minutes, followed by another 30 minutes. The pooper should not get too close to the cat. The cat needs a quiet environment to give birth. Cats are usually able to carry out the birthing process on their own, without the intervention of a pooper. But the pooper had better be prepared in case the cat has a difficult birth. Have a veterinarian phone number ready to call in case of an emergency.


Unassured shovelers can prepare warm water, towels, scissors, thread, medical gloves, remember to disinfect in advance. If the cat is stuck for more than 10 minutes, the pooper can put on gloves to help pull the cat, remember to gently oh. After the kitten is born, the cat mother will lick him clean. You can also help the kitten gently wipe by twisting a towel with warm water. When the kitten is born, the umbilical cord is attached, and the mother will bite it off by herself.

If there is an emergency, such as bleeding, or if the cat has kittens inside and has stopped exertion for more than two hours, call a doctor for immediate help. In the process of waiting for the doctor, for the stalled female cat, the pooper can gently stroke the belly of the female cat from top to bottom to help the cat continue to give birth.


The mother cat will expel the placenta after giving birth to the kittens. Usually, the mother cat will eat the placenta, which is to protect the kittens in the wild and avoid being discovered by natural enemies. At home, of course, it can be thrown away by the excrement officer, although there is no big problem even if it is eaten, but eating the placenta may cause diarrhea in the mother cat.

Last but not least, please do not touch the kittens for 2 weeks. Let the cat mother teach them all the skills they need to teach. After two weeks, contact can begin. However, the 2-week-old cat is still very fragile, so hold it gently. You’d better leave the phone number of your pet doctor. If you have any problems, you can solve them at any time to make sure your cat is safe.

Post time: Feb-08-2022