How to Reduce Your Pet’s Anxiety When They are Alone at Home

We’ve all been there – it’s time to leave for work but your pet doesn’t want you to go. It can be stressful on you and your pet, but thankfully there are some steps you can take to help your furry friend feel more comfortable about being home alone.



Why do dogs have separation anxiety?

  1. Dogs wait too long for their owners to leave for work.Dogs lack exercise and social interaction.
  2. The host’s schedule changes and the time of departure and return is uncertain.
  3. Suddenly in a strange environment.
  4. Adopted dogs are more likely to suffer from separation anxiety.

How can you tell if your dog has separation anxiety?


  1. The dog was agitated before his master left the house. Super sensitive to the owner’s movements such as putting on shoes, taking keys, putting on coats and backpacks.The dog fidgeted in the house when his master left.
  2. The dog barked until his master left the house. Dogs are quiet when their owners are home.
  3. Dogs alone in the house can defecate, bite, and cause damage.
  4. A dog may lick its PAWS or bite its tail all the time to relieve its mood.



How to relieve your dog’s separation anxiety?

1.  You don’t need to say hello before entering and leaving. 

Enter and leave without saying “I’m back” or “I’m gone” in ritualistic phrases. Calmly go out and enter the house, no matter how the dog reacts, barking or pouncing, do not ignore him, wait for him to calm down, and then normal contact. Make everything you do seem normal to him.

2. Learn to let the dog get used to the fact that you will go out. 

Don’t expose him to the absence of his master all at once. Leave for a short time and then come back quickly, say 10 seconds, 20 seconds, and then extend it. Get used to it. And let it know that you will come back when you go out. 


3. Turn on the TV or radio when you leave. 

Having someone in the room relaxes the dog and makes him feel like he’s not in the room.

4. Consume the dog’s physical strength, let them play exhausted. 

Take your dog out for as long as you can before you leave the house. Tiredness helps them sleep so they can focus on sleep.


5. Provide toys or snacks that he likes to entertain himself.

Such as leaking balls, dog chewing gum, can play for a long time. Keep him from feeling bored when his owner is away and distract the dog. But these are not toys you play with together. There’s a reason for this next one.

6. Hide the toys you often play with your dog.

Because the toys you interact with together will make him miss you even more.

7. Reduce external attraction to it when you leave it alone at home.

The owner needs to reduce the influence of the outside world on the dog, such as the sound of footsteps outside the door excited mad. You can also fence an area to limit its movement. But make sure you have plenty of water and provide snacks as well.

8. Use smells to calm it down.

Make him cushions or toys out of your old clothes and keep your scent around him. This will reassure him.

9. conditions can be installed to monitor intercom equipment, not to keep in touch with the dog.

Install a camera and a remote walkie-talkie to both monitor your dog’s behaviour at home and talk to him from time to time to ease his anxiety.

10. Usually take the dog out to socialize.

Staying indoors for a long time will make your dog more timid and more sociable. Going out and socializing with other dogs will make your dog more outgoing.

11. Find him a playmate.

This is the ultimate method. Of course, this can only be achieved under certain conditions, otherwise the two babies may bring double the work, and the owner may even have to solve the problem of competing for the pet.



Post time: May-16-2022